PUBG Config File Download (Latest Version) 2023

Do you want to Play PUBG in high-quality graphics with 60 or 90 FPS on your non-supported device? If yes, then you are at the right place. Today, I’ll show you how to download and use the PUBG Config File to improve your gaming experience.

What is PUBG Config file?

The PUBG Config File contains settings and parameters that can be customized to enhance your gaming experience in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. It basically makes your unsupported GPU put out up to 90 FPS even if it is not available by default. However, this FPS gets capped to the highest available refresh rate of your screen.

You can modify various aspects of the game, such as graphics settings, resolution, and frame rate (FPS). By tweaking these settings, you can optimize the game’s performance on your device.

Version Information

NamePUBG Config File
Size208 KB
Required Android Version5.0 or above

How to Download PUBG Config file (Latest Version)

Get the latest version of the File from the link mentioned below. Also, note that we update our links with the most recent version released by the developer. So make sure to check out the site regularly for updates.

Key Features of PUBG Config File

Below are some common features of a PUBG config file:

  1. Graphics Settings: The config file allows you to modify various graphics settings, such as texture quality, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, and more. This can help you to improve the visual experience of the game.
  2. Resolution: You can adjust the resolution of the game to match your device’s screen size. Higher resolutions provide a sharper image, while lower resolutions can help improve performance on less powerful devices.
  3. Frame Rate (FPS): The config file allows you to set the maximum frame rate at which the game will run. Increasing the FPS can result in smoother gameplay while decreasing it can help reduce battery usage and device heating.
  4. Audio Settings: You can tweak audio settings like sound quality, volume levels, and positional audio to enhance your overall gaming experience.
  5. Controls and Keybindings: The config file also enables you to customize your controls and keybindings according to your preference. This can help you to optimize your gameplay and make it more comfortable.
  6. Network Settings: Some config files also include settings related to network optimization, such as adjusting the maximum ping limit or optimizing network latency. These settings can help improve the game’s performance in online multiplayer matches.

Please note that modifying the config file might require technical knowledge, and it is essential to ensure the safety and integrity of your device and game files. Always back up your existing config file before making any changes and be cautious while downloading or using config files from external sources.

How to Download and Install PUBG Config File?

Note: Make sure you have got the latest version of BGMI installed on your device.

Step #1. Download the config file from the above link to your local storage.

Step #2. Now extract the file with a Zip Archiver app that we’ve downloaded and installed.

Step #3. Next up, copy the extracted file, navigate to the following directory, and paste it: Android/Data/com.pubg.imobile/Files/Ue4game/Shadowtrackerextra/Shadowtrackerextra/Saved/Paks

Step #4. Finally, open BGMI and set it to 90 FPS make sure your corresponding screen refresh rate is also set to the same.
